Monday, December 12, 2011

The Amazing Technicolor Dream Poem and the current issue of Canyon Voices

I used to avoid group writing prompts, because I cherish the option of trashing poems that no one else should ever see. I hated feeling obligated to share something that I would likely be completely embarrassed about, the following week. Might as well go on a drunk-texting binge.

But getting involved in some of the recent Encyclopedia Shows has given me a new appreciation for outside influence. I have had fun with some topics that I would have never chosen to explore.

Earlier this year, I was part of The Encyclopedia Show for "The Vivid Spectrum Of Color" and Scott Boras started assigning our topics. He gave other writers subjects like Blue, Red, and Mustard. When he gave me my assignment, I had no idea what to do with it and wondered if I was allowed to trade it away. But then I ended up with this piece called "The Amazing Technicolor Dream Poem" that ended up going over pretty well. So thanks for pushing me out of my comfort laze, Scott.

It even ended up in the current issue of Canyon Voices, so you can read it here.

Behind The Poem: 

The Canyon Voices editors also requested an audio file. Instead of making a horrible quality recording on my clunker of a computer, I went to my musician friend's studio to get a cleaner track. Forty-seven takes later, he was still unwilling to let go of his George Martin ambitions. Here's a video glimpse of our recording session:

I don't know if they plan to use that audio track, anymore.
If they don't, I will post it on this blog sometime in the future.

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